Service We Provide

The following clinics and services are available at the surgery

  • Minor surgery (such as the removal of skin tags & cysts)
  • Blood tests
  • Infant and adult immunisation
  • Travel immunisation
  • Cervical smears
  • Dressings
  • Ear irrigation
  • Asthma care
  • Diabetic care
  • Management of heart disease
  • Family planning (including IUD fitting & Implanon) and sexual health advice
  • Advice on how to stop smoking
  • We also monitor various conditions including blood pressure, contraception and hormone replacement therapy (HRT)



health visiting

Health Visiting Team

The health visitors are qualified nurses who specialise in child and family health. They work in the surgery, attend family homes and have routine child health clinics for under 5 year olds.They are supported by a nursery nurses and can give advice on health matters such as childrens' sleep, behaviour, toileting and diet.

Direct telephone number/ answer machine: 0300 123 6661


Drop in clinics

Child health clinics - no need for an appointment:

Monday  SureStart Clovelly Road 1:30pm to 3pm
Monday  Northam Community Centre 1:30pm to 2:30pm
Tuesday  St Mary's Surgery 1:30pm to 2:30pm
Thursday Nicholstown Surgery RSH 10am to 11am
Thursday Orchard Lane Church 1:30pm to 2:45pm

First Thursday of each month at Orchard Lane Church Hall is Baby Cafe between 12:15 and 1:15pm. This is a weaning support session for parents that need help with weaning their child.


Travel Vaccinations

St. Mary’s Surgery offer basic travel advice and vaccinations to patients looking to travel abroad.

As soon as a patient is aware they require travel vaccinations, they will need to book an pre-travel advice appointment with the Practice Nurse at least 4 weeks prior to the date of travelling, which gives us time to make sure we have the vaccines in stock.

During this appointment, they will be given a pre-travel questionnaire which must be completed and returned at least 1 week prior to the date of travelling. This will give the Practice Nurse time to decipher what a patient needs and make sure we have the correct vaccines in stock. If we have not received the completed form, their appointment will be cancelled.

These travel vaccination clinic appointments are pre-bookable only. If a patient doesn’t have an appointment booked and requires travel vaccinations, they cannot be seen at the surgery and will need to contact the Travel Health Clinic instead.